Goldspire International Film Festival

The Reporter from Chattanooga with Love
The Reporter is delivering the news about inspiring speaker at the secret club control by Rob the founder of The Secret Project 53!
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The Goldspire International Film Festival offers screenwriters and filmmakers from all around the world a platform. Filmmakers have the opportunity to advance their work at this event. We honor the very best in independent film-making and seek to provide creators with opportunity, joy, and relationships.
We adore making movies. We wanted to make something that would celebrate, appreciate, grow, and give opportunity to the great world of independent films and the filmmakers making them because the art of short films is sometimes disregarded in the film making industry. This festival is always being improved in order to make it the greatest and most worthwhile film event that is humanly possible.
The organization's goals are to inspire independent filmmakers with connections to Iowa to keep honing their craft, to give them a venue to specifically screen their work, to present a special cultural event to the neighborhood, and to provide networking opportunities so that filmmakers with connections to Iowa can connect with one another globally.
Each year, the coveted The Golden Projector Award recipients will be revealed. All of the monthly winners over the course of a year will be eligible to be nominees and compete against one another in this process to be named the ultimate winner of the winners. These winners' names will be listed on our Festival website each year.
We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected as a winner at the 7th season of Goldspire International Film Festival. Hearty congratulations on your well-deserved win!
Atlanta Georgia
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